Like the moon and solar system, the wisdom of the women’s body rests on the harmonization of its cycles with nature: the rhythm of the sea, the wind, the fire, and the seasons. The term ‘Mother Nature/Mother Earth’ reinforces the...
Awaken the Goddess Within! The Goddess in you is waiting for you to reveal, live, communicate, and experience this life with joy. As you explored your synthesis of the archetype Goddess profile that rests in you and went through the...
Did you know that women are actually known as Lunar Creatures? We all know women’s bodies and feelings are influenced by a lot of things beyond our control. Studies show that one of those influencers is the Moon—the satellite of...
Mantra Meditations are unique exercises of Mindfulness that focus on your transformation. MAN means mind and TRA means to tune the vibration and release. Mantra meditations are designed to give the mind an object to focus on. When you have...
Please apply your intentions continuously at intervals to keep you on that wish channel and to remind yourself and the universe by repeating. It’s all about your focus and belief. Therefore please focus only on your intentions, what you will...
Dear Goddess, I know how it feels to desire, wish, pray, and ask for a baby. And I know how it feels to be a mother. Our daily lives filled with responsibilities, challenges, to-do lists, and problems have increased infertility...
The world we live in, nature, living things, and the body and mind structure of humanity are based on five elements; water, fire, air, earth, and space. It is vital for our lives that we remember that we are a...
Why this journey? As women, we face so many challenges in our lives. Keeping in mind the patriarchal societies we live in, we have been forced into more masculine roles, trying to survive while giving too much and striving to...